Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dear Grandma,

So you know how I said I would be posting the video for IMEA? Well, we had a bit of an issue with the video camera, and so the only part Mom got on video was the violins tuning. BUT, we did buy it on a cd and will bring it to Utah.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Fish update

They're all alive. We named the white one Narcissa (also from Harry Potter) and she is happily living in a vase in Sarah's dresser until a bowl is purchased. AND I finally named the other guy betta. His name is Warner. Sarah and I also think that Bellatrix might be a guy with really small fins, but we haven't told him/her yet because we don't want to belittle the poor fish:)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ebony and Ivory

Last night, we went to Petsmart to get Sarah a betta fish. I also got 3 more of my own. One was a guy (still nameless), and the other two were girls. I named the girls Ebony and Ivory, because they were sharing a bowl, and one was white and the other was dark blue. I figure they'd learn to live, learn to give each other what they need to survive, together alive. But apparently, Ebony and Ivory CAN'T swim together in perfect harmony. The result: Ebony was renamed Bellatrix (after Bellatrix Lestrange), and the white one doesn't have a name,has been moved to Sarah's room, and is sporting half a tail. But she's happy now. The thing is, this ruins a completely awesome post that I was going to do, with a music video of "Ebony and Ivory" starring the two fish. Oh well, maybe I'll do something by Journey, or possibly Hall & Oates.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sarah and I are going to watch Harry Potter!!!!! YAY! But I think I burned the popcorn. Check this out---> z8D Its Harry!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I have a confession. I lied. It was in Davenport, not Dekalb. Ive heard it both ways:)


Over the weekend, I went to the IMEA music festival in Dekalb. It was sooo much fun! I played violin for 9 hours(performed for 10), saw a black squirrel,ate a cookie the size of my face,my fingers turned purple(no, seriously!),and I just had an all around great time:)
Funny moment i have to share: There was a sign that said no smoking, food , or drinks. HOWEVER, there were no commas in between. So it looked something like this:

So, you can smoke,as long as you're not smoking food. There was also a sign taped to the carpeted floor that said WET PAINT. People these days, right?
We also got stopped at the ticket booth when we went outside(10 minutes before the concert,mind you!)and almost didn't get back in, until a nice ticket guy said,"Hey, they're the act."


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ichabod and Frank

Yesterday I went to PetDumb(PetSmart)and bought 2 little betta fish.One is blue and the other is red and white.I tried to get a picture, but it keeps on getting blurry.The blue one is Ichabod Fletchman.Sticky Icky to his boys,but thats neither here nor there.The other one,is simply Frank. Don't worry, there's perfectly logical explanations for those names, and,contrary to popular belief, I am NOT crazy.

Ichabod: Ok me and Dad were walking out of the store and Dad said,"You could name on Ichabod Fletchman.Or Gee Buttersnaps." And since Gee Buttersnaps is MY name, I went with Ichabod.

Frank:As in "Let me be frank". Yep.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sarah at the Nauvoo pageant

I found this video and just HAD to post it.Oh,and Sarah,if you're reading this,those are MY shoes:)

Sunday, August 28, 2011


The explanation:there is none.I just think fruit is very under appreciated,and I have nothing else to do.
First,there's the pineapple.This fruit is both sweet and very prickly.Anybody had a pineapple smoothie?Anybody? What about a pineapple shake? I know Sarah's had one of those,and she doesn't even like pineapple!Crazy,right?Shocks me every time I hear it. I also have a long standing theory that they would make great hats,if you can get them on your head.Oh,and it's recently been made famous by the Usa network comedy Psych.It's that amazing.
Second,watermelon.Also a great fruit hat.Watermelon is AMAZING!!!! I love it.I'm growing some right now.I'm the expert at picking out watermelon from the the store,as long as some one else holds it.Yeah, I've dropped one in Walmart before,but i'm sure almost everybody's done that,right?(Pleases say yes.)If you don't like watermelon,you have problems.
Last one,kiwi.A little green ball of awesome.I really know nothing about it, and I don't have any stories either.But who doesn't love kiwi?

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I went to Girl's Camp.We combined with Byron and Freeport(Freebyrling)and it was so much fun!!I didn't know that EVERYBODY was going to seminary in the morning,so I commented to my tent-mates that I must be the only one not going,on account of I was a first year and not in high school yet.They looked like I was crazy and then laughed and told me everybody goes. Sarah wouldn't let that one go.I also roasted starburst and marshmallows at night with sunglasses on.Oh yeah:)I played mafia with girls from Rockford 1st,I learned how to burney:) and did about a million other things that i could fill this whole page with.But I won't,because after camp,I went to Utah.On the first day, my cousin Emily got married:) I was an amazing wedding,and they're an adorable couple.I also went shopping,and my aunt helped me pick out some really cute outfits.Now I'm back at school with an english teacher who lets you duel with pool noodles,a science teacher who has a fetal pig in a jar for a bathroom pass,and a math teacher with more shoe pictures than I have ever seen.This is gonna be fun. Oh,and the post under this,I actually wrote a while ago I just never published it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I have a lot that I want to put in this post, and I'm not leaving anything out. So be prepared to read.

According to the mood finger scan on my iPod, that is Sarah's current emotional status->
I made a smoothie yesterday. It had pineapple in it.
I'm sooooo excited for girls camp!!
I figured out how to make a playlist to put on here, but have no idea how to actually post it.
I found a Harry Potter wand in a closet yesterday. Hehe.
Heres pictures of the adorable dogs Sarah and I watched. ->
School starts in like, a week. Ick:/
I went running yesterday in a neon yellow outfit. It's pretty awesome. Plus, I won't get run over be cause cars slow down at yellow lights. If I were wearing green, then we'd have a problem.
I think it rained last night because my windows wet.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

And so it continues...

If you haven't read my last post, you will more than likely be so lost, you may never get back into reality. So for the sake of your sanity, get your little mouse thingy down there and read the dang thing. If you don't, not my problem. (or is it? Note to self: check legal issues on that one) Where was I ? Oh, right. I was still a tad bored. Granted it is 10:00, but we're not being technical are we. I think this just gave me something to do. I'm going to ramble on about what's going on in my world. So get your socks ready 'cause I'm going to knock 'em off.
So does anybody else watch Psych? Me and Sarah are waiting for the season 6 premiere because there's really nothing else on right now that we like. But my tv preferences are NOT important right now, because I am racking my brains trying to figure out how to put music on this thing, and I am still unsuccessful after a few months. Of course it'll end up being something so simple a two year old could do it. Wow this is already pretty long. The good news is,I'm no longer bored. (This is the point where a group of unseen voices are supposed to sing "ahhhhhhhhhh". )

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I.Am.So.Bored.I have absolutely NOTHING to do,so this is going to be a really random post.I'll start off with a list.
1.Like my fish? Yeah,I know they're awesome.
2.In case you haven't noticed,this is a blog,not a facebook.I feel so outdated.
3.Is that picture down there on a roof?Heck yeah.That's just how I roll.
4.Why do mother kangaroos hate rainy days?Because the kids have to play inside all day.
5.I recently tried to run through a closed screen door.They need to be more visible.
6.I'm working on memorizing the chant from the movie Forever Strong.(Kia Kaha!) If you haven't seen that movie,you're missing out.
7.Does anybody know how to put music on this thing?
8.I'm like James Bond.But cooler.
9.My iPod's telling me it's shark week.
10.The snack that smiles back.Goldfish:)
11.I'm going to post more pictures.
12.Top to bottom:me and Maggie jumping,Sarah and my cousin Matthew,a shoe,no explanation necessary.

Monday, August 1, 2011


A few weeks ago,I got a book called The Double Daring Book for Girls.Inside this volume of awesomeness,there are things like how to dye your hair with kool-aid(still petitioning to use that one),how to become a Private eye(they're watching you!*clap clap* anybody else heard that song?),and a bunch of other stuff.My favorite is the pranks.So far,I have put a glass of ice water on top of Sarah's door,taped the sink sprayer on,and I am planning on putting wrapping paper over someone's doorway.Here's a few for everybody who "solemnly swears they are up to no good"(HP3)

-The classic vaseline and/or toothpaste in the toilet seat
-Koolaid in the shower head
-Saran wrap over the door
-gluing coins to the sidewalk

Mischief Managed:)

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Ok,you know how I said me and Sarah were going to see HP7 at the drive in at midnight?I lied.Technically,I didn't though,because its all Google's fault.That and global warming.JK:)Anyway,we(like total geeks)were totally psyched when we found out it was playing a day early at the drive in.This is how my dreams were crushed.Like a freakin grape:Sarah googled "midway drive in" to find out if it was playing HP7,and google told her it was,the lying git.(lol i used a british word!)Anyway,we drove past the drive in and it said it was NOT playing Harry Potter,so Sarah consulted google again to do a little more digging.This time she found out that there was more than one midway drive in in the country.The one she found was in New York.Nicely done,computer.Confusing the pants off poor people who only want to see Voldemort die while sitting in a car with friends.Nicely done.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sarah and I have decided to have a Harry Potter marathon.We're going to watch every single movie,and then go see it at midnight at the drive in.We're total geeks:)

Pool antics(including but not limited to)

-entering a waterslide headfirst and coming out feet first
-falling in a pool( in February) that hadn't been heated
-my swimsuit bottoms were a litte looser than I would have liked.enough said.
-trying to breathe underwater.it would've worked if I hadn't been chewing gum.
-almost running into an old guy during a karate fight in the shallow end.
-climbing up a waterslide
-floating around with waterwings on my feet.
-attempting a flip that ended in a bellyflop.(OW!)

Yes,I'm an idiot.But I'm a happy idiot:)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Last night we had an amazing party for the fourth.We bbq'd and did fireworks.I also got my neighbor with the oldest trick in the book.I told him to smell his cupcake because the frosting smelled weird,and then stuffed it in his face.So he went and got another one and threw it at me.Totally worth it!Then to get back at me more more,he threw a cookie at me,but I grabbed him and rubbed it in his face.during fireworks,there was a pop can fight,and I got sucked into that.It was really fun.I can't wait for next year!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The adventures of Steve and Gary

This is a movie I made last night,due to an unnecessary(HA! I spelled it right!) amount of boredom.I didn't do a very good job with the voices,but who cares?Enjoy my boredom:)

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I'm back! I didn't fall off the earth, if you were wondering.I was in Maine.here's some of the things we did.

-I fell/got pushed into a lake more than once.Good way to get used to the water,huh?
-Took a 2 hour boat ride out to an island,where we got stalked by a seagull and I got a crazy sunburn.
-Went to Boothbay harbor .hehe. Funny name:)
-Went to Boston the days the Bruins won the Stanley cup.BAD IDEA!Half the town was sloppy drunk(there was more than one hangover that night),it was really hot,and it took us like 2 hours just to find somewhere to eat.
-I saw loons.(The bird,not crazy people.)
-I became a master at Sorry and Spoons.

We did a lot more,but I'm going to leave room for pictures.Soon as I get them uploaded,so don't expect them anytime soon. jk:)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Random pictures

Me at my cousin's wedding.I make the mustache work:)

Blurry picture of Maggie and Kallie.

(right to left) This is me,Sarah,Heidi,Leia in Nauvoo.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Once upon a time,Abby and her friend Maggie were really bored.So they decided to make a movie.The first one was a combination of bad acting,and idiots:) The second was better and Abby got a request to post it.So she did.The end.

Gambling in Gymboree

Sarah and I used have this argument about what a fedora is.She said it was one of those hats that monkeys wear,the ones that look like upside down cups, and I said it was one of those hats that secret agents wear.(Like Perry the platypus!) So yesterday we made a bet while looking for little kid and baby clothes in Gymboree.If she was right,I would buy her an iPod touch,and if I was right,she would buy me another case for mine.Pretty high stakes ,huh?I spend $300 and she spends like, $5? But I still won:)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Maggie says I look like Zoolander

Me and Maggie

This is what happens when you put photo booth on your computer.Your face gets sucked into an invisible vacuum:)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer monsoon

Last night we got hit by a thunderstorm. More like a monsoon. It started with a little bit of lightning, then we got pounded with hailstones the size of marbles,and then it started pouring and got REALLY loud and REALLY bright. All of this added together = no sleep. I have one of the biggest windows in the house, and my room was lighting up like a football field. It also sounded like someone was right next to me, banging on a huge drum. Try sleeping with THAT! I ended up sleeping on the floor of somewhere quieter and darker. ( aka Sarah's room.) I heard we were getting more tonight. As you can see, I'm ecstatic. Yay.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mysterious Dots

I was sitting outside eating lunch with 2 of my sisters, Amy and Sarah. Amy looked down at her knee and said,"I have a zit on my knee." Sarah then replied,"That's not a zit,that's a mole." Amy asked,"What's that?" and Sarah said,"See those little dots on my arm?That's what they are." Then Amy said,"Ok,so what are all the big dots on your face?"
Hysterical. Poor Sarah,getting beat up on by a five year old.
I think my house just got attacked by a goose because I just heard a strange unexplained honk. But I am not going to continue talking about geese so I can tell everybody that I changed my web address.It's not a tiny mammal that nobody can spell anymore. It's brightandcolorful.blogspot.com because I like things that are both bright AND colorful.Win win!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Late last night,when YOU were all in bed...

Last night, me and my friend Maggie tried to camp out in my backyard. Notice I said "tried". It didn't work out. We were determined to stay outside all night this time, and we thought we could pull it off because there was no one there to tell us a screaming monkey was going to jump on our tent. (long story.) Anyway, everything was going fine, no screaming monkeys or anything, until we decided to move our tent. Neither of us realized the door was partway open until we crawled back in and found an army of gnats, mosquitoes, and flies. Ick. Those stupid bugs wouldn't cooperate. When someone tells you to get out of their tent, you get out. Apparently these bugs were never taught that,so Maggie and I ended up sleeping in my basement. Lesson learned: never invite bugs to your camp out.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Belated Birthday Wishes

This is a few days late, but happy birthday to my friend Kallie!!!

Here are a few(of many) reasons why I love Kallie:

She is a little ball of sunshine. She's always happy and smiling.
She is one of the nicest people on earth.
She always assures me that my hair is straight:)
She is a TERRIFIC dancer. (seriously,Kallie's amazing!)
She is full of fun ideas and can make me laugh anytime.
She's an amazing person and an awesome friend,and she deserves to have had a great birthday!
Happy Birthday,Kallie!!!!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Grammar corrections and dancing penguins

"They're making a Happy Feet 2? Whaaaaaaaaaat?" Thought I'd share. By the way,who likes my new title? It's ok,you don"t have to get so excited:) Yeah, I bet no one has read this. Except Maggie,who just put a space in between 2 of my sentences because it was bugging her:) She also gave me my first comment!!! Exclamation point! <3

Friday, May 27, 2011


Finally,school is out!!!! YAY! I just wish we could have summer weather.It will rain for a week,then be 90 degrees the next week,then rain again.Seriously,make up your mind!And for all you Dorothys out there,watch out.Delta isn't supplying tickets anymore,so you might have to take tornado express to Oz. Obviously nothing is really going on,which is why this post is probably really lame.I'll try to think of something better next time.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Hello!I have decided to try blogging.This is my first post,so bear with me. Here I go,it might be a little rocky.

I can't believe how much I've done and it's not even summer.In January,Sarah and I babysat for about 15 of the neighborhood kids.Painful memories.They girls and boys couldn't agree on anything,so they ended up going to "court" over who got the playroom.Lesson learned:never underestimate 10-year-olds.
Then,Grandma came:)We went on a little "Broadway in Chicago" tour.We kicked off with Wicked(loved it!!!!) and then went to Les Miserables.(loved it too!!!)Sarah says I'm heartless because I was probably the only one not bawling my eyes out during Les Miserables.Oh well.But I admit I did cry in Wicked,so HA! I'm NOT heartless.
In March,we went to Alaska with our cousins.It was awesome!WEe went to the Iditarod,walked on a glacier,swam in a hot spring(Sarah went *SPLAT* on that one),I ate moose,saw the Northern Lights,and a million other things it would take a loooooong time to recount.I also went to the Solo and Ensemble contest for orchestra.I played Minuet 2 on my violin, Rachmaminoff's Second Piano Concerto on piano, and did a trio with 2 other people.That's just about it.If anyone fell asleep while reading this, my sincerest apologies.