Monday, August 1, 2011


A few weeks ago,I got a book called The Double Daring Book for Girls.Inside this volume of awesomeness,there are things like how to dye your hair with kool-aid(still petitioning to use that one),how to become a Private eye(they're watching you!*clap clap* anybody else heard that song?),and a bunch of other stuff.My favorite is the pranks.So far,I have put a glass of ice water on top of Sarah's door,taped the sink sprayer on,and I am planning on putting wrapping paper over someone's doorway.Here's a few for everybody who "solemnly swears they are up to no good"(HP3)

-The classic vaseline and/or toothpaste in the toilet seat
-Koolaid in the shower head
-Saran wrap over the door
-gluing coins to the sidewalk

Mischief Managed:)

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