Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dog Mom

For those of you who know my mom, you probably know that she was reluctant about the whole dog thing to begin with. But, since Lucy worships the ground she walks on, the two have hit it off pretty spectacularly. Before we got Lucy, my mom swore to herself she would never become a dog mom. HA.
-Mom has given Lucy an afghan to sleep on
-Mom has started making Lucy a new blankie
-She takes her to doggie daycare twice a week so she can play with her friends
-Before going to doggie daycare, she tells Lucy to be a leader, not a follower, be nice to the little puppies, make good choices,  and best of all, "remember who you are" .
-She's trained her to abide by the Gunderson family rules of cleanliness. (aka wiping her feet off at the door and not smelling like a hobo)

I think mom's got the whole "dog mom" thing down pat. She's a pretty good one too, if I say so myself. :)