Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I have a lot that I want to put in this post, and I'm not leaving anything out. So be prepared to read.

According to the mood finger scan on my iPod, that is Sarah's current emotional status->
I made a smoothie yesterday. It had pineapple in it.
I'm sooooo excited for girls camp!!
I figured out how to make a playlist to put on here, but have no idea how to actually post it.
I found a Harry Potter wand in a closet yesterday. Hehe.
Heres pictures of the adorable dogs Sarah and I watched. ->
School starts in like, a week. Ick:/
I went running yesterday in a neon yellow outfit. It's pretty awesome. Plus, I won't get run over be cause cars slow down at yellow lights. If I were wearing green, then we'd have a problem.
I think it rained last night because my windows wet.

1 comment:

  1. absolutely great logic with the running thing and I still use that joke
