Sunday, July 31, 2011


Ok,you know how I said me and Sarah were going to see HP7 at the drive in at midnight?I lied.Technically,I didn't though,because its all Google's fault.That and global warming.JK:)Anyway,we(like total geeks)were totally psyched when we found out it was playing a day early at the drive in.This is how my dreams were crushed.Like a freakin grape:Sarah googled "midway drive in" to find out if it was playing HP7,and google told her it was,the lying git.(lol i used a british word!)Anyway,we drove past the drive in and it said it was NOT playing Harry Potter,so Sarah consulted google again to do a little more digging.This time she found out that there was more than one midway drive in in the country.The one she found was in New York.Nicely done,computer.Confusing the pants off poor people who only want to see Voldemort die while sitting in a car with friends.Nicely done.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sarah and I have decided to have a Harry Potter marathon.We're going to watch every single movie,and then go see it at midnight at the drive in.We're total geeks:)

Pool antics(including but not limited to)

-entering a waterslide headfirst and coming out feet first
-falling in a pool( in February) that hadn't been heated
-my swimsuit bottoms were a litte looser than I would have liked.enough said.
-trying to breathe would've worked if I hadn't been chewing gum.
-almost running into an old guy during a karate fight in the shallow end.
-climbing up a waterslide
-floating around with waterwings on my feet.
-attempting a flip that ended in a bellyflop.(OW!)

Yes,I'm an idiot.But I'm a happy idiot:)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Last night we had an amazing party for the fourth.We bbq'd and did fireworks.I also got my neighbor with the oldest trick in the book.I told him to smell his cupcake because the frosting smelled weird,and then stuffed it in his face.So he went and got another one and threw it at me.Totally worth it!Then to get back at me more more,he threw a cookie at me,but I grabbed him and rubbed it in his face.during fireworks,there was a pop can fight,and I got sucked into that.It was really fun.I can't wait for next year!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The adventures of Steve and Gary

This is a movie I made last night,due to an unnecessary(HA! I spelled it right!) amount of boredom.I didn't do a very good job with the voices,but who cares?Enjoy my boredom:)

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I'm back! I didn't fall off the earth, if you were wondering.I was in's some of the things we did.

-I fell/got pushed into a lake more than once.Good way to get used to the water,huh?
-Took a 2 hour boat ride out to an island,where we got stalked by a seagull and I got a crazy sunburn.
-Went to Boothbay harbor .hehe. Funny name:)
-Went to Boston the days the Bruins won the Stanley cup.BAD IDEA!Half the town was sloppy drunk(there was more than one hangover that night),it was really hot,and it took us like 2 hours just to find somewhere to eat.
-I saw loons.(The bird,not crazy people.)
-I became a master at Sorry and Spoons.

We did a lot more,but I'm going to leave room for pictures.Soon as I get them uploaded,so don't expect them anytime soon. jk:)