Sunday, August 28, 2011


The explanation:there is none.I just think fruit is very under appreciated,and I have nothing else to do.
First,there's the pineapple.This fruit is both sweet and very prickly.Anybody had a pineapple smoothie?Anybody? What about a pineapple shake? I know Sarah's had one of those,and she doesn't even like pineapple!Crazy,right?Shocks me every time I hear it. I also have a long standing theory that they would make great hats,if you can get them on your head.Oh,and it's recently been made famous by the Usa network comedy Psych.It's that amazing.
Second,watermelon.Also a great fruit hat.Watermelon is AMAZING!!!! I love it.I'm growing some right now.I'm the expert at picking out watermelon from the the store,as long as some one else holds it.Yeah, I've dropped one in Walmart before,but i'm sure almost everybody's done that,right?(Pleases say yes.)If you don't like watermelon,you have problems.
Last one,kiwi.A little green ball of awesome.I really know nothing about it, and I don't have any stories either.But who doesn't love kiwi?

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I went to Girl's Camp.We combined with Byron and Freeport(Freebyrling)and it was so much fun!!I didn't know that EVERYBODY was going to seminary in the morning,so I commented to my tent-mates that I must be the only one not going,on account of I was a first year and not in high school yet.They looked like I was crazy and then laughed and told me everybody goes. Sarah wouldn't let that one go.I also roasted starburst and marshmallows at night with sunglasses on.Oh yeah:)I played mafia with girls from Rockford 1st,I learned how to burney:) and did about a million other things that i could fill this whole page with.But I won't,because after camp,I went to Utah.On the first day, my cousin Emily got married:) I was an amazing wedding,and they're an adorable couple.I also went shopping,and my aunt helped me pick out some really cute outfits.Now I'm back at school with an english teacher who lets you duel with pool noodles,a science teacher who has a fetal pig in a jar for a bathroom pass,and a math teacher with more shoe pictures than I have ever seen.This is gonna be fun. Oh,and the post under this,I actually wrote a while ago I just never published it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I have a lot that I want to put in this post, and I'm not leaving anything out. So be prepared to read.

According to the mood finger scan on my iPod, that is Sarah's current emotional status->
I made a smoothie yesterday. It had pineapple in it.
I'm sooooo excited for girls camp!!
I figured out how to make a playlist to put on here, but have no idea how to actually post it.
I found a Harry Potter wand in a closet yesterday. Hehe.
Heres pictures of the adorable dogs Sarah and I watched. ->
School starts in like, a week. Ick:/
I went running yesterday in a neon yellow outfit. It's pretty awesome. Plus, I won't get run over be cause cars slow down at yellow lights. If I were wearing green, then we'd have a problem.
I think it rained last night because my windows wet.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

And so it continues...

If you haven't read my last post, you will more than likely be so lost, you may never get back into reality. So for the sake of your sanity, get your little mouse thingy down there and read the dang thing. If you don't, not my problem. (or is it? Note to self: check legal issues on that one) Where was I ? Oh, right. I was still a tad bored. Granted it is 10:00, but we're not being technical are we. I think this just gave me something to do. I'm going to ramble on about what's going on in my world. So get your socks ready 'cause I'm going to knock 'em off.
So does anybody else watch Psych? Me and Sarah are waiting for the season 6 premiere because there's really nothing else on right now that we like. But my tv preferences are NOT important right now, because I am racking my brains trying to figure out how to put music on this thing, and I am still unsuccessful after a few months. Of course it'll end up being something so simple a two year old could do it. Wow this is already pretty long. The good news is,I'm no longer bored. (This is the point where a group of unseen voices are supposed to sing "ahhhhhhhhhh". )

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I.Am.So.Bored.I have absolutely NOTHING to do,so this is going to be a really random post.I'll start off with a list.
1.Like my fish? Yeah,I know they're awesome.
2.In case you haven't noticed,this is a blog,not a facebook.I feel so outdated.
3.Is that picture down there on a roof?Heck yeah.That's just how I roll.
4.Why do mother kangaroos hate rainy days?Because the kids have to play inside all day.
5.I recently tried to run through a closed screen door.They need to be more visible.
6.I'm working on memorizing the chant from the movie Forever Strong.(Kia Kaha!) If you haven't seen that movie,you're missing out.
7.Does anybody know how to put music on this thing?
8.I'm like James Bond.But cooler.
9.My iPod's telling me it's shark week.
10.The snack that smiles back.Goldfish:)
11.I'm going to post more pictures.
12.Top to bottom:me and Maggie jumping,Sarah and my cousin Matthew,a shoe,no explanation necessary.

Monday, August 1, 2011


A few weeks ago,I got a book called The Double Daring Book for Girls.Inside this volume of awesomeness,there are things like how to dye your hair with kool-aid(still petitioning to use that one),how to become a Private eye(they're watching you!*clap clap* anybody else heard that song?),and a bunch of other stuff.My favorite is the pranks.So far,I have put a glass of ice water on top of Sarah's door,taped the sink sprayer on,and I am planning on putting wrapping paper over someone's doorway.Here's a few for everybody who "solemnly swears they are up to no good"(HP3)

-The classic vaseline and/or toothpaste in the toilet seat
-Koolaid in the shower head
-Saran wrap over the door
-gluing coins to the sidewalk

Mischief Managed:)