Sunday, October 7, 2012

How to make wonderfully horrible cookies

1. Find your very favorite sugar cookie recipe. Make sure to be excited to make it.

2.Add the butter. Make sure to forget half of the needed amount.

3.Add the eggs. Mix in, then add another one for no reason.

4.Put in the rest of the ingredients, not paying any attention to specific directions.

5. Put into the fridge to chill for two hours longer than needed.

6. Remove from fridge and pound your frustrations out on it with a rolling pin. Cut out shapes and place in oven for about 8 minutes.


1.Pour milk,butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla into a bowl and mix a little. It should come out looking like badly made oatmeal.

2.Add more powdered sugar and more milk, until it slightly resembles frosting.

Color the frosting some seasonal color to mask the fact that it looks nothing like frosting.



  1. Lol words cannot express how much I love this post. I have done something related to this like ten times. Once I didn't mix the brownies enough and Lindsay took a bite and found some white in the middle. I told her it was a marshmallow but it was an egg. So gross. I hope those days are behind me :)

  2. I love your blog! And this recipe for disaster was delightful, although I understand now why you are in the market for a new sugar cookie! I haven't stumbled upon the perfect one...yet. But when I do, you will be the first to know.

  3. This is so on brand hahahahhahahha I think I'm going to print it out
