Saturday, April 7, 2012

Favorite movie/tv quotes

AACNAIB! -Shawn Spencer, Psych

"He was dead!"
"He twitched!"
"Thats because my axe is embedded in his nervous system!!" -Legolas and Gimli, Lord of the Rings

"He either wants us to go to the back of his throat, or he wants a root beer float!"- Dory, Finding Nemo

"Mawwage. Mawwage is what brings us togevva today. Wuv, twue wuv, dat blessed awwangement, da dream wifin a dweam." -Princess Bride

"Chancho, sometimes when you are a man, you wear stretchy pants in your room. Its for fun." -Nacho Libre

"I'M GOING TO BOISE!!! YEEAAHH!!" -Dallen, Singles Ward

"Much like Lady Gaga, I was born this way." -Shawn Spencer, Psych

"Buckle up, bra."
"I'm not your bra, quit calling me that."
"Ok...sister." -Rick and some other guy, Forever Strong

"They think I do not know a buttload of crap about the gospel. But i do!" -Nacho Libre

"Oh, sir, I believe its 'Hello'"-Megamind and minion, Megamind

"What are these?"
"BOOGIE ROBOTS! BOOGIE!" -Gru and Dr. Nefario, Despicable Me

"Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret."- Ron, Harry Potter (#4)

"Can Dobby say something before we start? Dobby loves you!" Firing Dobby,  BYU Divine Comedy

"C'mon son!" Ed Lover, Psych

This is just part one. More to come! :)


  1. I became an absolute legend at girls camp for how well I could do the mawwage thing. No regrets at all.
